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Astrological Matchbox Set

Ravi Zupa


These tiny, functional, art pieces feature the 12 signs in the western astrological system, drawn in the style of Medieval woodblock prints. Artist Ravi Zupa was inspired by Stephan Fry's book Mythos, which retells the Greek myths in modern language. 

  • Includes 12 distinct matchboxes
  • Note: We cannot ship flammable material across borders, so international customers will not receive matchsticks in the boxes. The correct-sized matchsticks for these boxes can be found at most ordinary grocery stores/supermarkets.


About Ravi Zupa

Ravi Zupa considers books the best way to experience art. He has spent decades studying books about the art, mythology, religion, and history of cultures from across geography and time. With a distaste for ironic art or the thoughtless appropriation of culture, he integrates seemingly unrelated images in search of something universal.